In addition to the shape or size of panels, the initial consideration to layout itself has to be made. The panel width is determined by either the designer or the width of the chosen fabric. Panel sections may be individual sections with track edges or, if preferred, a seamless wall can be created by sewing the chosen fabric together to create the desired width or to create a large single panel that covers the entire wall. Individual panel sections allow for more detail and visual interest whereas larger sewn panels are generally more economical.
If individual sections are chosen, panels may either be 'blocked' around objects, or of even size, flowing around objects. Blocking is great for smaller areas that seem somewhat balanced, but can look disconnected or choppy when used on larger walls. We generally recommend balancing panels of equal size on most walls.
For a more modern, up-tempo look, various types of reveals such as chrome, wood, laminate, paint, etc., can be inserted between panels for the added design element of contrasting color and texture. Horizontal panels or diagonal panels can be substituted or used in conjuction with vertical panels to create graphic designs and creative shapes. Horizontal paneling is also an economical option. Long, continuous, single panels can be run utilizing the full width of the fabric, covering more area in fewer panels while also visually lengthening an area.
Panel Shapes and Sizes
We have yet to find any limitation to the size panel that SNAP-TEX can handle! There are virtually no limitations to the size that any panel section can be. If desired, a panel may be larger in width than the fabric supplied by sewing vertical drops of the fabric together to reach the desired single-panel size.
If individual sections are chosen, panels may either be 'blocked' around objects, or of even size, flowing around objects. Blocking is great for smaller areas that seem somewhat balanced, but can look disconnected or choppy when used on larger walls. We generally recommend balancing panels of equal size on most walls.
For a more modern, up-tempo look, various types of reveals such as chrome, wood, laminate, paint, etc., can be inserted between panels for the added design element of contrasting color and texture. Horizontal panels or diagonal panels can be substituted or used in conjuction with vertical panels to create graphic designs and creative shapes. Horizontal paneling is also an economical option. Long, continuous, single panels can be run utilizing the full width of the fabric, covering more area in fewer panels while also visually lengthening an area.
Panel Shapes and Sizes
We have yet to find any limitation to the size panel that SNAP-TEX can handle! There are virtually no limitations to the size that any panel section can be. If desired, a panel may be larger in width than the fabric supplied by sewing vertical drops of the fabric together to reach the desired single-panel size.
Regardless of the ultimate size of panel sections, fabric must wrap around the SNAP-TEX track with at least 25mm of selvedge to insert into the track for locking into place. The depth of the track must also be considered in this estimation. The dimension of the fabric for each panel must be several inches larger on all four sides than the actual wrapped panel size. Please keep this is mind during the design phase when considering and estimating fabric selection.
(Refer to Our Photo Portfolio section for ideas from completed panel projects)
SNAP-TEX can be shaped and contoured to an infinite number of creative shapes! We have few preferences ~ we'll do most anything you can think of!
Rectangular sections have long been the standard of the acoustical panel industry. SNAP-TEX can duplicate that look, but with custom fit and better tolerances!
Geometrical shapes of any size can be sculpted on a feature wall.
Curves and circles can be built into the layout.
Curved walls can be treated ~ even complex curves that curve in two directions! With our 9.5mm size, our most flexible and workable size, 500mm radii have been treated without a problem! A thicker fabric may be recommended for extremely tight curves so that "kerf" cuts in the track are minimized.
Outlets, switches and lighting pose no problem. These elements are skillfully treated regardless of their shape or dimension.
Imagination is the only boundary! Neither the size nor the shape of panel sections pose problems for SNAP-TEX! Designers are constantly coming up with creative ideas to interface with SNAP-TEX applications.
Reveals between panels are quite popular. Metal, wood, laminates or paint - a very attractive accent can be created around or between individual panels.
Micro-lights can be added to the reveal areas, creating a dramatic presentation! Welting and polyfil padding can often be added to re-create the traditional upholstered look, but is strictly aesthetic - SNAP-TEX looks beautiful without the need for welting because it has a finished edge!
Artwork and large canvases can be created without use of old-fashioned wooden framework. No unsightly staples are necessary. Not limited to square edge.
Built-in speakers can be placed behind fabric for a continuous wall panel with no exposed equipment. and be easily removeable.
Edge details of various track profiles can often be matched for interesting detail. Vertical panels can be round or beveled edge, while horizontal panels are square, or vice versa!
A combination of panel depths can be combined to create visual dimension.
Aesthetically or functionally, you can have a creative good time with SNAP-TEX! We challenge you to use SNAP-TEX to its fullest creative capability!
(Refer to Our Photo Portfolio section for ideas from completed panel projects)